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Methods of Testing Material Moisture Content for Drying Mach

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We get it that the testing material moisture content for the drying machine is one necessary step. Now we are going to talk about several methods which are commonly used in the drying process.

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  •  Heating the sample material: measure certain weight of material as the sample and put it into weighing dish, then into the oven. Heating it until the weight doesn’t change, then calculate the difference value, which is the water content. In addition, this method is suitable for the heat-resistant material. The drain in the oven would be normal, if the material is heat-sensitive, then the oven should be replaced by a vacuum box and low temperature heating is the more proper way to go.
  • Chemical drying method: put the material and chemical desiccant and adsorbent together. It is almost the same as the first one, weigh it before the reaction, and when the weight doesn’t change we put more chemical desiccant, and then the calculation can be done.
  • Distillation: put the material into the solvent which can azeotrope with water. After distillation, water would have obvious lamination with the solvent, and the water layer can be collected to be weighted.
  • Indirect method: there are many indirect methods, for example-microwave, the water content can be reflected through the degree of attenuation of the microwave.

All the methods above should be chosen carefully, and you will be able to make proper adjustment of the drying machine.